British Badge: Tudor Rose symbolizes unity

In the British garden, there are many types of roses, and many roses’ names do not know, but the most famous is a rose that does not exist in nature- “Tudor Rose”. The roses in this traditional English mark, red petals wrapped in white petals, and below with thorns, its name is derived from the Tudor dynasty. In addition to the monarch’s scepter, the Tudor Rose also appeared on the royal badge, British passports, uniforms, and even 20 pence. How many dynasties to be carried by the Crown Rose petals are more replaceable.


The Civil War, known as the “Rose War” in the 15th century, killed 1/3 of the senior nobles of England. The male and Ding of Langster and York were almost all killed. Henry VII (Henry Tudor), the mother from the Langcost family, seized the throne, and he married Elizabeth of the York family. The “Rose War” between the Lancist family and the family coat of the family and the family coat of red roses finally ended. Henry Tudor combines the white rose of the York family with the red roses of the Lamaster family to produce the Tudor rose badge.

     The most common style of Tudor Rose is a two -color rose with white and red. The coat of Tudor Rose also has the style of “subtracting the branches and stems and combining the crown”, that is, roses with stems and leaves under the crown. This style appeared in the portrait of Nicholas Hillyd for the British Queen Elizabeth I. In the portrait of the Queen Elizabeth I, the pattern of “Tudor Rose” often appears to indicate that she belongs to the Tudor dynasty. She is also often called “the Red Rose of the Tudor’s Family” -the bravely facing bumps and creating beautiful glory.

     The design of the Tudor Rose also has a new badge with red and white roses, or half separate with another badge. The intention of the badge pattern is to show the unity of the country and the unity of ethnic groups. The British hope that roses can play a role in unity, rather than killing.

     It marks the rose war that is completely declining in the Middle Ages s spirit, and it has also inspired the writers’ creative inspiration. Because of the Tudor Rose, there is a series of historical script of William Shakespeare.

     Because the “Rose War”, which lasted 30 years, is often brought up on the screen by the British. British people of different ages are familiar with the meaning of this history and roses. Tudor Rose is a dazzling logo. In addition, it can be seen on the logo of the English Bureau of Tourism and the guardian uniform of the London Tower.

Post time: Apr-22-2024


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